Industrial Tourism

Zhejiang Innovation Institute of Robotics - Robotics Exhibition Hall is located in the first floor of Building 6, No. 501, Poplar Street 2, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, showcasing new technologies, products, systems and solutions in the robotics and intelligent equipment industry, as well as creating an environment that pulls robots from the industrial environment to the visitor experience that is more intimate with their lives, both to create a technological sense, intelligent robotics science and technology, entertainment and experience center, and also to play the function of cooperation, promotion and exchange of technologies related to robotics and intelligent equipment. It has not only created a scientific, technological and intelligent robot science popularization, entertainment and experience center, but also functioned as a robot and intelligent equipment related technology cooperation, promotion and exchange.

At present, Phase I has opened the following areas for visitors to experience: coffee robots, ping-pong ball robots, robot core parts, knitting robots, robotics science area,robot of chess algorithm development platform and so on.