Intelligent Loading and Unloading Robot



Intelligent loading and unloading robot series products mainly solve the problem of intelligent loading and unloading of goods of various types of packaging (ton bags, cartons, sacks, pallets, etc.).

     1. Realize automatic loading and unloading of non-structural incoming materials such as tonnage bags, cartons, sacks, pallets and so on;
     2. the effective compatibility of indoor and outdoor operation scenarios, seamless integration;
     3. realize scientific, precise and intelligent warehouse operation management.

It can be applied to the warehouse in and out of goods, truck loading and unloading, ship loading and unloading and other scenes. At present, it has been applied to the site of a state-owned energy group and other enterprises.


  • Intelligent management scheduling system
    Adopting self-developed WMS system to realize unmanned operation management.
  • Unstructured environment adaptive vision technology
    Binocular 3D adaptive image reconstruction technology, accurate recognition of grasping objects in unstructured environments.
  • Seamless multi-navigation fusion technology
    GPS, laser SLAM, magnetic guide and other multi-navigation seamless fusion technology.
  • Modular design concept
    Gripper, robot arm and robot body can be quickly combined for different application scenarios.
